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Lemon and black sesame seed cookies


270g plain flour

40g ground polenta

2 tbsp black sesame seeds

1/2 tsp bicarbonate of side

60g salted butter

185g caster sugar

2 lemons zest only

50ml avocado oil

1 Medium free range egg

20ml lemon juice

Here’s how

Pre heat the oven to 175c

Whisk together all the dry ingredients in a bowl

In another mixing bowl beat together with an electric mixer the sugar, butter, lemon and orange zest.

When the mixture is light and fluffy and the sugar has dissolved into the butter add the egg and oil.

Continue to mix slowly until fully mixed together.

Add the dry ingredients to the butter and sugar mixture and combine, do not over mix.

Divisive the mixture into 12 equal portions, I use an ice cream scoop and a set of digital scales as it is important the each cookie is the same size so that they all evenly bake.

Place the cookies onto a non stick baking tray in the oven for 12 minutes.

Leave to cool for 15 minutes, then remove form the baling tray and they’re ready to eat.

Store in an air tight container for uptown a week.

This cookie dough can also be frozen in portions and baked from frozen at 160c for 20 minutes

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