Apple and Blackberry Cumberland Sausages

This recipe is very much bang in season the blackberries are everywhere in Cumbria and who does not love Cumberland Sausage, we all have our favourite. This recipe is a wonderful take on that very familiar combination of blackberry and apple but not with crumble this time ! with Cumberland sausages. The sweetness works well with the sausage and then the acidity of the vinegar bring the balance in which for me is so important in cooking. This recipe is very much a reflection on whats going on outside with the weather and whats available, the minute September the 1st arrived Autumn seemed to pop its head up and is here to stay. The autumn as a chef is one of my favourite times of year as it offers up so many exciting flavours and ingredients to enjoy in the kitchen.
Autumn Sausage apple and blackberry bake with Wormersley Blackberry Vinegar
serve 4
8 Cumberland sausage
1 tsp of oil
2 small red onions
4 medium sized British apples
1 tbsp of butter
70ml of Wormersley Blackberry vinegar
70ml water
30g golden castor sugar
1 handful of blackberries fresh or frozen if you missed then this year!
1 tsp of chopped fresh thyme
Here’s how
Pre heat a large frying pan
Add the sausages and oil into the pan and cook until golden (4-5 mins)
Add the butter into the pan
Meanwhile peel and slice the red onions before adding to the pan
Stir the pan around to help soften the onions and release the juices.
Peel, core and dice the apples and add to the pan with the blackberries.
Continue to cook all the ingredients and reduce the liquid by half.
Add in the vinegar, sugar and water.
Turn the pan onto ta medium heat and allow to cook and reduce the liquid until it appears more like a glaze than a liquid.
Season according to your tastes and served with freshly chopped thyme.