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Chorizo and Potato Bread


450g very strong white flour

7g dried yeast or 15g fresh yeast

300ml water

150g part cooked potatoes

100g chorizo sausage diced

1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary

1 tsp of chopped fresh thyme

Should this be Rosemary or thyme – says thyme in the method.

7g salt

olive oil to knead with 2 tbsp

Here’s how

Pour the flour into a large mixing bowl, then place the yeast on one side of the bowl and the salt on the other side.

Pour the water over the salt, then start to mix together until you have a soft dough in your hand and a relatively clean bowl.

Transfer the dough to a clean work surface and drizzle with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

Roll the dough in the oil and then begin to knead by holding the dough with one hand and stretching it out with the other hand. Then fold the dough back on itself and stretch it away from you again. Fold, stretch etc

Continue to knead the dough for 10 minutes until smooth and stretchy.

Place the dough back into the mixing bowl and cover with cling film.

Leave the dough to prove for 2-3 hours, or overnight in the fridge.

When the dough has proved and it has doubled in size, scoop it out on to a clean work surface.

Stretch the dough out and leave it to warm up for 10 minutes.

Place the chorizo, chopped rosemary, thyme and cooked potatoes into a nonstick frying pan and cook on a medium heat for about 10 minutes, the chorizo fat will melt and fry the potatoes to make them taste amazing.

When the potatoes are golden and orange with little crispy bits then they are ready.

Leave to cool in a bowl for 5 minutes before spooning onto the bread dough. Roll the bread dough up to capture all the ingredients inside the bread and knead gently.

Shape and roll the bread into a round cob shape.

Tear off a piece of baking parchment approximentaly three times the size of your loaf. Scrunch it up in a ball and then flatten it out. Oil the parchment, line a large mixing bowl with it and place the dough into it for the duration of the second prove. Whilst the dough is proving put your dutch oven into the oven to heat up. Leave to prove for 1-2 hours or until it doubles in size.

Dust the bread with a little white flour, then using a sharp knife cut a criss cross into the top about 1cm deep. Lift the parchment and dough our of the mixing bowl and put it straight into the dutch oven. Be careful with the dutch oven it will be very very hot.

Bake the bread inside the cast iron pot with the lid on in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at 220oC until golden, crisp and sounding hollow when tapped underneath.

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